What Is GracePoint’s Strategic Plan?

GracePoint’s strategic plan encompasses the mission, vision, and values for the church, a SWOT analysis, and a set of 10 goals to accomplish over 3 years (2022 through 2025). From this page, you can read through the strategic plan and see GracePoint’s 10 goals and the details.

How Is GracePoint Doing Relative To That Plan?

Each year, GracePoint is making progress on the plan. Here is a timeline and summary:

  • 2022
    • Developed revised mission, values, and vision
    • Developed criteria for new lead pastor & begin search process
    • Addressed outstanding doctrinal issues
  • 2023
    • Selected new lead pastor
    • Developed our children’s and teen ministries
    • Started to form a view on how to approach discipleship for men, women, and children in a more intentional way
    • Started to form a view on how to develop future ministry leaders at GracePoint
  • 2024
    • Our intention is to start bringing our approach to discipleship and leadership development to life

What Is GracePoint’s Philosophy of Ministry?

Generally speaking, a philosophy of ministry is a set of principles or values that determines why we do what we do. The Bible does not give us a how-to instruction booklet for carrying out a Christian ministry but it does give us principles.

At GracePoint, we draw our philosophy of ministry from our mission, vision and values which are derived from our statement of faith. The statement of faith is included in the strategic plan because our statement of faith defines the essential, non-negotiable parts of our faith which has implications for how we prayerfully implement our ministries, what kinds of ministries we pursue, and how we assess how well were doing on these things in our cultural context.

Actively discipling and equipping believers, building up families, supporting local and global missions, gift-based ministry instead of program-based ministry, and ultimately sharing Jesus and seeing many people come to saving faith in Him — all of those attributes which are drawn from our statement of faith compose GracePoint’s philosophy of ministry and are why place such an emphasis on those related ministries at GracePoint.