“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction.” – James 1:27a
At GracePoint we believe local outreach is meant to…
- Engage the local church in actively meeting the physical needs of our surrounding community.
- Build relationships with the lost and share the Gospel with them.
- Foster deeper community among our members as we serve together.
Our hope is to structure our local outreach program in a way that enables all members to participate at some level.
Our goals are to:
- Facilitate individual participation in ministries of their choosing and encourage them to share their experiences with the congregation
- Assist small groups/youth group in developing a way to serve together.
- Use our building to be a resource to our community
Current Projects
- Pregnancy Care Center Bottle Drive – Ongoing collection of donations to support the work of the PCC in our community.
Individual or Small Group Opportunities
Somebody Cares New England
- Local Church in Haverhill meeting basic needs of the city’s poor
- Serve by prepping for food distribution one Monday night/month or volunteering at the food pantry one Thursday morning/month
- See: SomebodyCaresNe.org
Pregnancy Care Center
- Christian organization committed to ministering to young mothers & their newborns.
- Serve as a volunteer: Counseling, secretarial work or service projects needed
- Flexible commitments available
- See: PCCNorthEast.org
Volunteer Match
- Website with multiple opportunities for serving in our community
- Eg: Volunteer at local hospice, library or elder services
- See: VolunteerMatch.org
Previous Events
DCF Social Worker Appreciation Breakfast – Supplied breakfast & notes of encouragement to local DCF office during social worker appreciation month.
Fostering Hope Area Network Sibling Ties Event – Participated in hosting a harvest themed party to allow siblings in foster care who are not able to be in same foster home an opportunity to spend time together in a safe & fun environment. The event was accomplished with several other local churches & DCF social workers attended as well.
DCF Visit Room Renovation – Sponsored renovation of one of the visit rooms and served in the remodeling of the rooms along with other local churches, so families who have children in DCF custody can have supervised visits in a more colorful, kid-friendly environment.
Missions Month
Each year, we reserve one month for our international missionaries and local partners to come in and speak directly to us about what God has been up to in their ministries. Catch up with these videos.
Contact Us
At GracePoint we encourage our members to be engaged serving the local community with the love of Jesus where their individual interest or passions may lead them. Find a place to serve and share your story with our church so we can support you in it!
- Local Outreach – General Volunteer Opportunities
- Foster Care – One-Time Events & More Info About Fostering & Adoption
Community Partners
- Merrimack Valley Dream Center – Provides hope and restoration to individuals and families who suffer emotional, spiritual and/or relational hardships by providing sustainable outreach programs.
- Pregnancy Care Center – Helps women know and understand all their pregnancy options. Services are free and confidential.
- Fostering Hope – 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that exists to engage and equip members of the local church community to care for youth in the foster care systems of New England.