In fall 2020, the GracePoint elders preached through a sermon series on the book of Titus.

You can review their teaching by watching the recordings on this page.

Titus 1: Holding Firm To God’s Word

World-weary Christians sometimes seek new teachings that embrace their personal preferences and deepest desires… even if those are contrary to what God has clearly said. In his letter to Titus, the apostle Paul drives home the need to keep the gospel of Jesus Christ central to our lives and to the life of the church through faithful teaching and good leadership. Pray for God to open our hearts and minds this Sunday as we explore Titus 1:1-16.

Titus 2: Teach and Walk the Talk

This week we will take a look at Titus 2 where the apostle Paul outlines for Titus his young protege the importance of modeling the gospel- centered life for others. It is a reminder that we have not been saved BY good works but we have been saved, by grace, FOR good works. The good life we are called to is a response to our undeserved salvation and its manifestation serves as a glorious way that God uses to mature us and others in the faith, as well as bring glory to our creator.

Titus 3: Transformation

Paul convicts Titus to preach to the Cretans about what Christian life looks like before one commits their life to Christ, what Transformation looks like when one commits their life to Christ and what Christian life looks like after one commits their life to Christ.